Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hair Extensions

Hair extensions are high maintenance and addictive. This is at least what I tell all of my clients. They are also the one thing you can do to completely change your look instantly. While adding length, thickness and volume, hair extensions offer you the flexibility to wear your hair in various styles.

As a hair extensions specialist I have worn all types of extensions. I have experienced first hand how hair extensions can change your life. Hair extensions can feel like a Godsend after getting a bad hair cut, losing your hair after childbirth, or going through chemo. They can improve your self esteem and influence the way others view you. For me, I feel sexy and more confident with longer hair.

There are a variety of extensions on the market and this blog will teach you all about the different types of hair extensions. You will also learn about different types of hair, quality, hair extension application method and how to choose the best method for your hair.

*Pictures courtesy of Getty Images